Monday, June 22, 2009

Pick, Pick, Pick

O.K. it is official. Kaiden is addicted to picking the dirt out between her toes. I have no idea how this little obsession started, all I know is that the past few months it has got steadily worse. She does this little ritual of sitting down, and then carefully going toe by toe and removing whatever it is that is between them. One day she told me, "Mom look at this dirt, it is so disgusting". She has even started doing this toe picking addiction during opening exercises of primary. Yes it's true. Yesterday I saw my child carefully take her shoes off and begin (yet again) this toe-picking obsession. Meanwhile sitting in such a way that she is flashing her panties to all to see. I teach the CTR 5 class, so I had a full view of her one row ahead of me. Her primary teacher told me she noticed that she does it in class all the time. Just great. If that is not bad enough, I have caught her pinning Carson down by sitting on his stomach so that she can remove the dirt between his toes(while all the time he is screaming bloody murder). I sat down with her yesterday and told her that she is not allowed to pick her toes in church anymore. As for the rest of her toe-picking, I can only hope that she outgrowns it soon or at least it doesn't get to the point where she wants to start doing it on me.


The Clews Crew said...

LOL!!! I can just see her sitting on Carson and picking out his toe jam. Hilarious.

Ethridge Fam said...

ha ha ha just don't let her start picking her nose otherwise she might start eating her boggers just like her mom. :) love you shan